Thursday, February 21, 2013

Greater is He Within You!

God is the power source of all of life. As the
Great Creator He fuels all activities of this life
And world. He is the power socket that everyone
Of us must plug into if we desire to live a fulfilled Life. 
Life apart from this Divine source is empty,
Lifeless, and most of all powerless.
Saint Paul said, "I live, move, and have my being
From and through God." He is the Vine, we are 
The branches. When the branch is not connected
To the source the tree (vine) it dies, it withers, it is no more.
Choose to stay connected with God or reconnect with God.
And if life becomes empty and lifeless recheck
Yourself to see if something or someone has 
Unplugged you from the power socket of God.

He is only a word away, for one word can start
A prayer.


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