Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The law of Repetition

The law of Repetition is the concept of being consistent, constant, and continual. Whatever you consistently persist in will evently adjust, conform and transform. Whatever you constantly commit to will overtime recreate the previous thing into a new thing. Whatever you repeat with consistency will be converted from one thing into another thing. Therefore, consistency will become contagious. this life changing principle can be applied to almost anything or anyone. Change is possible, the chains of negative patterns and habits can be broken.
Consider these questions:
What new habit do you need to be consistent in?
What one thing have  you started to change but have failed to persist through with?
Choose today to consist your way to change!
Have an Inspired day,
The Wise Guy

Monday, February 25, 2013

What you want from life

The ability to decide precisely on a given goal of what it is you want from life will afford you the capability to rule your own life. Many are followers in life, followers are nice, but rulers are those who chart their own course, those who lead verses follow the path that others give them. Those who are not true to their purpose (Divine Design) drift through life, accepting what life hands to  them. These individual never fully become conscious of the fact that God has given each individual the task to finish their particular course. You can allow others to dictate your course and trust me they will, or you can choose to become the captain of your own course. When you do, you will no longer be a drifter allowing life to determine your outcome. Instead you will become a partner in dictating your Divine Design.
Consider these thoughts:
1. Who is dictating your life others or you?
2. Are circumstances dictating your life?
3. Are you happy with the course you find yourself on, and if not...what decisions do you need to make?
4. What is your Divine Design, and how can you get back on track if you find yourself off track?
You thoughts are valuable, do share!
Make it a Decisive Day,
The Wise Guy

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"as within, so without."

Truly what you see is what you will experience! It has long been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Today I want to reawaken you to the power of Vision, for your vision will become your Vice or your Victory! Whatever you vividly picture in your mind will be birthed forth into reality, whether it is negative or positive. Be very careful of the picture and mental images you create, in fact be very intentional on creating the mental images you desire and hold on to these images regardless of the outward circumstances. Before you can change your outside world you must first change your inside world..."as within, so without."
Consider the story of young Joseph who went from the unlikeable sibling because he envisioned Dominion as he dreamed of his brothers bowing down to him and rose to be the second in command of Egypt. Consider Abram who pictured his descendants multipying like the stars of Heaven when he didn't even have a son and who rose to become the Father of many nations. What you see is truly what you will get.  Trust that Vision is Victory or should I say Virtuous Visions will  InVent Victory But Vicious Visions will InVent Venomous Resutls.
Have an Inspired Day,
The Wise Guy

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Greater is He Within You!

God is the power source of all of life. As the
Great Creator He fuels all activities of this life
And world. He is the power socket that everyone
Of us must plug into if we desire to live a fulfilled Life. 
Life apart from this Divine source is empty,
Lifeless, and most of all powerless.
Saint Paul said, "I live, move, and have my being
From and through God." He is the Vine, we are 
The branches. When the branch is not connected
To the source the tree (vine) it dies, it withers, it is no more.
Choose to stay connected with God or reconnect with God.
And if life becomes empty and lifeless recheck
Yourself to see if something or someone has 
Unplugged you from the power socket of God.

He is only a word away, for one word can start
A prayer.
