Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Purpose is a Decision

Testimony given by Cynthia about how "Purpose is a Decision" by Guy Earle changed Her life.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Transformed Through His Thoughts

Testimony given by Richard Martinez about how "Transformed Through His Thoughts" by Guy Earle changed his life.

You can get book from website!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Faith is Hope

The cousin to Faith is Hope. The definition of hope is to exspect...whatever you are hoping in you have a belief that one day you exspect it to become a reality. The thing about hope is that it is easy to have an attitude of exspectation when life circumstances looks good:
Guaranteed-- you have a guareentee that it is going to happen.
Optimistic-- everything looks favorable
Obvious--something is easily seen or understood
Down rigth good--all the cards are alligning in your favor
But hoping when there is no guareentee, when the outcome doesn't look optimistic and odvious, and the situation looks down right bad. It is under these circumstances that one needs to pull out the Hope against Hope mentality. For, it is those who can hope and believe in unfavorable circumstances that find what they hoped for eventually experienced.
Keep Believing, Keep Hoping, Keep Exspecting!
The Wise Guy

Friday, March 15, 2013

Be the Greatest

Growing from Good to Great can be galvanized by embracing your internal, skills, talents, abilities and resources and deciding to disseminate them for the betterment of mankind.
Jim Collins in his classic book, "Good to Great" highlights three major things one must do to join the Great.

Determine the answer to these questions:
1. What can you be the greatest at?
2. What Business activity can fund the mission?
3. What are you Passionate about?
I have put my own twist on the Big 3:
1. What can you Be the Best at?
2. What Business activity can cause your financial pockets to bulge?
3. What causes you to feel the best when you are engaged in Business?
The number 3 has the idea of advantage. Consider that NBA champions of the past and present consisted of three all-star players. In the 60"s it was Russell, Havlicek and Cousy. In the 70's it was Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, and Elgin Baylor. The 80's was a showdown of 2 sets of 3's: Bird, McHale, Parish against Magic, Kareem and Worthy. The 90's it was Jordan, Pippen and Rodman. Now it is James, Bosh and Wade. The combining of 3 has produced some great results. I propose that when you combine what you can be the best at, that thing that causes the best feelings wihin you, and that which can best rewards you financially, you have yourself a Winner. Incorporate this threesome and watch yourself go from good to Great!
Let us all strive to Be Great!
The Wise Guy

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Transform Your Thoughts

Since virtuous visions Invent Victory, what must one do when they are in the dark and your objectives are not in clear sight? Then and always your faith must be your vision in the dark. For faith is the assurance of things hoped for, or in other words faith is standing under a guaranteed agreement. Faith's main objective is God as the one who can carry out the vision even though from an external perspective it looks impossible. Hebrews 11:33-35 reminds us of the extraordinary power of faith, "through faith one can conquer Kingdoms, administer justice, gain what was promised, shut the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, and escaped the edge of the sword."

In Transformed Through His Thoughts, I mention that your focus will determine whether you sink in circumstances or walk in faith. So develop a God conscience faith that focuses on the attributes, incredible power, terrific, and hell-defeating strength of our God.
1. Where has your focus been when you find yourself in the night of your pursuits?
2. What must you do to strengthen your faith? Romans 10:17 says, "Faith increases/comes by reading the Word of God"
3. What area of your life do you need to strengthen your faith?
Pray this sincere prayer, Dear Lord, be thou my vision in the dark, for I put my confidence in you!"
Have an inspired day,

Monday, March 11, 2013

Energy and Efforts

For years I had been under the impression that hard work is impressive. This concept was instilled within me at an early age, and is apart of my DNA. However, hard work that is not harnessed toward a specific objective is merely an ineffective use of energy. The proper use of energy is effective. An effective Boxer doesn't swing aimlessly at his opponent. If he or she does it equates too a lot of hard work but it does not equate to effectiveness. Effective effort is efficient, it is focused, calculating and planned. So remember less is more! Richard Koch in The 80/20 Principle shares that the secrets to success is acheived by not doing more but by doing less more efficently.
Consider these thoughts:
1. How can I best harness my energy and efforts?
2. What ineffective efforts do I need to eliminate?
3. What activity will produce the most efficiency?
Have an Efficient Day,
The Wise Guy

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Purpose and Plan

A definite aim, goal, purpose and direction will serve as a great defense. To be a defense is to protect against outside and even inside forces. If one knows where they are going the are better able to protect their time, energy and efforts. It amazes me on how many things and people can detour you off your course. The success minded individual knows their purpose, they have a plan, and that plan is supported with passion and they are actively pursuing that purpose. Therefore, distractions are less likely for those who have a definite purpose.
Consider these questions:
1. What is my definite purpose and plan?
2. What plan do you need to put in place to accomplish your purpose?
3. What distractions prevent you from carrying out your purpose?
Have an Inspired Day,
The Wise Guy

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bravery Breaks Barriers

Bravery Breaks Barriers, and boldness burst through barriers, but Fear begets barriers, and Fear fosters Fraility, and Fraility fosters Failure.  The only way to assure victory and success is through Bravery.  The ability to enlist courage to push through Barriers. 

What obstacle/s and Barriers have erected in front of your definite aim and objective in life? This barrier is no respecter of persons, it shows up as a test for every noble objective. As I write in Purpose is A Decision, "Adversity is the Gatekeeper to Success".
Break out of your comfort zone, and Break Through your Barrier/s today!
The Wise Guy

Saturday, March 2, 2013

positive or negative

One's attitude whether positive or negative will alter the situation according to the attitude. One's attitude can make a Hell of Heaven or a Heaven of Hell. For mankind is not so much desturbed by things but desturbed by their thoughts and attitudes of things. Like having a suit adjusted through alteration that causes a better fit. so we can adjust our lives by altering our attitude, which will afford us a better life.
There is NMA, a Negative Mental Attitude which will alter life toward Despair and Agitation. On the opposite side is PMA, a Positive Mental Attitude which alters life toward Delight and Advancement. Try this precise but potent affirmation by Emile Coue, "Everyday in Everyway I'm getting better and better by the Grace of God."
Consider these thoughts:
Do I have a NMA, or a PMA?
Is their any thoughts that I need to alter?
Lets Alter our thoughts on the Almighty God today!
Make it an Inspired Day,
The Wise Guy
Acts 2:25
"I saw the Lord, always before me, because I am at His right hand. Because of this I will not be moved."

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The law of Repetition

The law of Repetition is the concept of being consistent, constant, and continual. Whatever you consistently persist in will evently adjust, conform and transform. Whatever you constantly commit to will overtime recreate the previous thing into a new thing. Whatever you repeat with consistency will be converted from one thing into another thing. Therefore, consistency will become contagious. this life changing principle can be applied to almost anything or anyone. Change is possible, the chains of negative patterns and habits can be broken.
Consider these questions:
What new habit do you need to be consistent in?
What one thing have  you started to change but have failed to persist through with?
Choose today to consist your way to change!
Have an Inspired day,
The Wise Guy

Monday, February 25, 2013

What you want from life

The ability to decide precisely on a given goal of what it is you want from life will afford you the capability to rule your own life. Many are followers in life, followers are nice, but rulers are those who chart their own course, those who lead verses follow the path that others give them. Those who are not true to their purpose (Divine Design) drift through life, accepting what life hands to  them. These individual never fully become conscious of the fact that God has given each individual the task to finish their particular course. You can allow others to dictate your course and trust me they will, or you can choose to become the captain of your own course. When you do, you will no longer be a drifter allowing life to determine your outcome. Instead you will become a partner in dictating your Divine Design.
Consider these thoughts:
1. Who is dictating your life others or you?
2. Are circumstances dictating your life?
3. Are you happy with the course you find yourself on, and if not...what decisions do you need to make?
4. What is your Divine Design, and how can you get back on track if you find yourself off track?
You thoughts are valuable, do share!
Make it a Decisive Day,
The Wise Guy

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"as within, so without."

Truly what you see is what you will experience! It has long been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Today I want to reawaken you to the power of Vision, for your vision will become your Vice or your Victory! Whatever you vividly picture in your mind will be birthed forth into reality, whether it is negative or positive. Be very careful of the picture and mental images you create, in fact be very intentional on creating the mental images you desire and hold on to these images regardless of the outward circumstances. Before you can change your outside world you must first change your inside world..."as within, so without."
Consider the story of young Joseph who went from the unlikeable sibling because he envisioned Dominion as he dreamed of his brothers bowing down to him and rose to be the second in command of Egypt. Consider Abram who pictured his descendants multipying like the stars of Heaven when he didn't even have a son and who rose to become the Father of many nations. What you see is truly what you will get.  Trust that Vision is Victory or should I say Virtuous Visions will  InVent Victory But Vicious Visions will InVent Venomous Resutls.
Have an Inspired Day,
The Wise Guy

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Greater is He Within You!

God is the power source of all of life. As the
Great Creator He fuels all activities of this life
And world. He is the power socket that everyone
Of us must plug into if we desire to live a fulfilled Life. 
Life apart from this Divine source is empty,
Lifeless, and most of all powerless.
Saint Paul said, "I live, move, and have my being
From and through God." He is the Vine, we are 
The branches. When the branch is not connected
To the source the tree (vine) it dies, it withers, it is no more.
Choose to stay connected with God or reconnect with God.
And if life becomes empty and lifeless recheck
Yourself to see if something or someone has 
Unplugged you from the power socket of God.

He is only a word away, for one word can start
A prayer.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 Can be a Year of the Umpteen

Umpteen means, a lot, many and plenty. This year you can experience an increase of more in your health, wealth, relationships, and well-being.
You may say, how can I experience this more? May I suggest a new thought for reaching your desired outcome. In the thought wave of many is the belief that hard work, discipline and much effort is the key to one's success.  In short that is called Resistance. Now don't ge me wrong you must have effort and action; I being a military kid, and one who has made it a habit of rising early since a teenager at 4am to deliver the Washington Post have lived my life on the priniciple of work and resistance. Resistance is vital to the increase of the physcial body, for as one pushes against (resistance) their is an increase of strength.
yet, the benefit of resistance is not as profitable in the spiritual realm. For we are spiritual beings having an human experience, because we are eternal. We are made in the image of God, and we are a little lower than the heavenly beings. the key to unlocking spiritual abundance is by spiritually aligning with God. For it is through God that we live, move and have our being. But when we resist against Him we stop the flow of abundance in our lives.
To resist in spiritual terms is to rebel, to go against the grain. When we go against God, pride and ego dominate but the opposite of resisting is releasing and allowing. When we release our will, and allow the Divine design to flow, then spiritual abundance is experienced.
How is this accomplished?
1. Release your desire to God, "ask and it shall be given."
2. Create a plan of action that you give the wisdom of God freedom to adjust according to His Divine wisdom.
3. Exspect God to come through as you anticipate daily for signs, people, circumstances that God puts in your path to assist in the aaccomplishment of the desired outcome.
4. Relax, sit back and trust that God is Big enough to carry out the desire. Wake up thanking God for His Divine intervention, as you surrender to Him.
Thanks, Guy